3 Year Anniversary Since My Big Chop

Hi Guys, im back to tell you its been 3 years since I did the big chop in February 2012. You can see there has been some significant growth huh…oh yea uh huh lol. All through the winter until now i have been wearing wigs as protecting styling. (I will do a post soon on my wig collections) I will make sure my hair is neatly cornrowed round like a target before i where my wigs and under the wigs i also make sure that my hair is moisturized with oils and shea butter. But enough said check out how my hair has grew over the years.

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How to have healthy, growing hair….start with a regimen.

Natural Queen

Regimen- a regulated course, as of diet, exercise, or manner of living, intended to preserve or restore health or to attain some result.

A regimen is the routine you have in place to take care of your hair. Below I will list and describe the basic natural hair care regimen.

Cleansing- Cleansing your hair and scalp is a very important key in having healthy, growing hair. You should wash your hair at least weekly (depending on your exercise). Wash with a shampoo or CoWash (washing with conditioner).

Detangling- Making sure your hair is tangle-free. Detangling can be done with your fingers or with a tool. Use tools such as a Denman brush or wide tooth comb to get rid of tangles and single strand knots. Detangling is a must in order to retain length. You can detangle on dry or wet hair. The key is to make sure you are…

View original post 262 more words

Song of the Day! MAFIKIZOLO ft Uhuru KHONA

Mafikizolo is an Afro-pop group/band from South Africa. It is made up of lead singer/composer Nhlanhla Sibongile Mafu Nciza and songwriter/composer/singer Theo Kgosinkwe. The song Khona was written and sung in the Zulu Language. Khona means ‘there’ or ‘at that place’. It is one of the tracks in their February (2013) released album titled – Reunited. When i saw the video i was like WOOOOWWWW..the beat, the art design, the geometric shapes and colors, the production and the costume design were just so amazing and inspiring. I love the song…just makes you wanna dance, check it out.

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My Hair Day!

Yesterday i went to get my hair done at TexTuRas Salon in flatbush NY. My hairdresser Soneitha, she is amazing…she hooked my braids up. She’s great at what she does, she can do just about anything perms, cut, weaves, braids, color, wash, etc, you name it. She takes care and nurtures your hair to a healthy state, i gotta tell ya she has the magic fingers lol. If your passing through flatbush check her out at TexTuRas Salon, she can be reached here 718-954-1525.











Defining Your Curls

Edo short hairHello once again. It’s been awhile and now I’m back and blonde lol, with more fierce natural hair styles, stories and show & tells. Since I made the big chop in August 2010, my hair’s grown 6 inches, been twisted, been corn-rowed, gelled, teased and everything in between. I’ve been approached so many times – on the street, on the trains, in the ladies room at the club – with: “How did you get your hair like that?” LOL. I shake my head like: “Girl, if you only knew.” So right here, I’m gonna let y’all know.

I have always been fascinated with my hair and have tried to make it the best it can be. When I started this hair journey, I never imagined it would be such a process. I started researching different products and discovered that natural products and the styling techniques are really helpful and important, especially when trying to give moisture, curl definition, and a strong, healthy look to your hair. Though the styles have been different and products have changed, the techniques often stay the same.

I also realized that the most important thing when sporting natural hair is knowing your texture and the products you put in your hair to give you defined curls. I have a Type 3c to 4a hair texture which is tightly curled in corkscrews.

I really didn’t take any pictures when i first cut my hair, but here’s a pic of my hair in April 2011. This is the process i go through to get my hair in whatever state it needs to be lol. These are the products i use to use in my hair when my hair was short

Short Hair Care Regimen:

Washing and Conditioning: DevaCare No-Poo Cleanser and DevaCare One Condition

Deep Treatment: DevaCurl Heaven In Hair

Moisturizing and Styling: Luster’s ShortLooks SassAFraz and Fantasia IC Daily Hair Polisher Serum

Switching It Up: pic of my hair in September 2011

After a year or so the previous products I was using slightly changed. I’m always researching and trying new products on my hair, it helps in the growing process and i swear as my hair is growing it takes on a whole new texture of its own lol.

Washing: DevaCare No-Poo Cleanser, Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo or Jane Carter Solution Hydrating Invigorating Shampoo SLS-Free

Conditioning: Jane Carter Solution Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner

Treatment: DevaCurl Heaven In Hair and Jane Carter Solution Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner (works as a deep treatment as well). I’m also looking forward to try the Moroccan Oil Mask

Moisturizing and Styling: Luster’s ShortLooks ShortLooks SassAFraz, Fantasia IC Daily Hair Polisher Serum, Jane Carter Solution Curl Defining Cream, KUZA Indian Hem Cream, Moroccan Oil Intense Curl Cream and Moroccan Oil Curl Control Cream


A product like DevaCare No-Poo Cleanser that has no lather, makes my hair feel very soft and moisturized, it locks in nutrients and definition to my curls. I use it when I don’t need that intense wash. I switch back and forth between the Shea Moisture or Jane Carter Shampoo when my hair has dirt build up from wearing weaves or too much grease in my hair. They are a No Sulfate lather shampoo with natural ingredients that does an amazing job of leaving my hair nice and soft. After I use the lather shampoo I go back to using the DevaCare No Poo Cleanser to bring back definition to my curls. After a nice good wash my hair feels so light and fresh.


Now for the best part…when I apply the Jane Carter Solution Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner or DevaCurl Heaven In Hair as a deep conditioner to my hair I use my finger tips  to work the product in with circular motions – stimulating growth while massaging the scalp. In the process I use a wide tooth comb to detangle any knots in my hair and after I finish combing through my hair I cover it up with a shower cap to stimulate heat. I leave the conditioner on for about 2 hrs or more or even overnight. Doing that regimen keeps my hair healthy, strong, defined, and moisturized

Moisturizing and Styling

After conditioning my hair, I leave it wet because it’s easy to style and drying out your hair with a towel creates frizz. To get the styling process going, I moisturize my hair with ShortLooks SassAFraz until my hair is thoroughly saturated then I comb it through to get even distribution. To give my scalp the nutrients it needs for a week I use the Kuza Indian Hemp Treatment – great stuff!

Now for the styling techniques: When I am creating my curls in a twist out and Bantu knots effect…I can have my hair in a wet or blow out state…doesn’t really matter. From section to section I apply the Jane Carter Solution Curl Defining Cream, Moroccan Oil Intense Curl Cream and Moroccan Oil Curl Control Cream at the same time. It’s a lot of products but for some reason it really works, keeps my hair moisturized, and defines my hair tremendously. Using my thumb and index finger, I twist hair strands at the ends of hair to guide curl patterns then I close the curls out with Bantu knots, with hair pins to hold it in place. Based on my hair’s thickness and length, I end up with a total of 18 twists. I usually let my hair air dry and also since my hair is thick it takes about 3hrs to the whole day because of the amount of products i use in my hair.

The next day I separate the twists and fluff my hair to blend the parts…and my hair looks like this….:)