My “Shine On” Award Nomination













To my surprise i was nominated the “Shine On” Award from I wasn’t expecting this or any one read anything i post on here lol, im not much of a blogger but i am very fasinated about hair and ever since i went natural and reading other natural hair blogs i was like wow there are other people out there like me. Thank you so much Brown Truth for reading my blog and giving me the opportunity to continue to share my experience of natural hair, art, music and inspiration to other fellow hair bloggers. Everyone please check her out.

The Rules :

1. Show appreciation of the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post.

2. Add the award logo to your blog.

3. Share 7 things about yourself.

4. Nominate 5 – 10 or so bloggers you admire.

5. Contact your chosen bloggers to let them know.

Seven Things about me:

1. I love being a graphic designer and i own a graphic design studio called Blugge with my other two business partners.

2. I like to watch Japanese anime and Korean Drama.

3. Ever since my big chop, im in love with my natural hair.

4. I love to dance.

5. I’m into motorcycles and im looking forward to owning a CB450 cafe racer.

6. I enjoy listening to all types of music especially alternative rock.

7. Love being in company of positive friends and my family

I nominate:

Thank you all for reading my blog! Cheers